David Muir attempted to pull a fast one on former President Trump with a ridiculous unfair question in the debate. This may be the most dishonest question asked by the media and is certainly the most telling question regarding their overwhelming bias against Mr. Trump.
In the debate while President Trump was attempting to make his case about the withdrawal from Afghanistan David Muir interrupted to change the subject and move on with the debate.
This isn’t the worst thing a moderator could do. Frankly this is part of the moderator’s job. They are supposed to ask questions and have a set amount of time. I wasn’t keeping track of time, and I don’t fault David Muir for moving on from one topic to the next. That is not the issue. The issue is what David Muir did next.
“DAVID MUIR: President Trump, thank you. I want to move on now to race and politics in this country. Mr. President, you recently said of Vice President Harris, “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black.” I want to ask a bigger-picture question here tonight. Why do you believe it’s appropriate to weigh in on the racial identity of your opponent?”
You may be asking why this is such a problem in the first place. Everyone has read that Trump said this about Kamala Harris. It was on the news for days, and he in fact doubled down on the statement to an extent with his answer. Well, the question you should first ask yourself is this. What was David Muir’s question exactly?
If you break it down, he was asking this “Why do you believe it’s appropriate to weigh in on the racial identity of your opponent?”
Ok so far so good, this makes sense on the face of it is a valid question. Do you know the context of former President Trump’s commentary?
It originated at the National Association of Black Journalist (NABJ) convention in Chicago on July 31st of this year. For the record of the candidate’s running Trump was the only one who was willing to attend.
The panel of moderators interviewing Trump less than pleasant with the former President and opened with assertions about Trump that are not entirely true but hey at least Donald Trump was there. But as the questions were progressing ABC’s own Rachel Scott asked the following question to Donald Trump. “Do You Believe that Vice-President Kamala Harris is only on the ticket because she is a black woman?” (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c06k07dn1zjo).
What followed is Trump’s now infamous answer.
So, David Muir and ABC should already know the answer to this question. The answer as to why it’s appropriate for him to weigh in on Kamala Harris’s racial identity is precisely because an ABC reporter asked him what his thoughts were about her being on the ticket and if she was only on the ticket because she is a black woman.
Interestingly the Former President didn’t answer the question that way at all. Instead, he went on to discuss the fact she isn’t just an African American, but also an Indian-American.
Now he addressed this in such a way to state she always presented herself differently. And I can’t speak exactly to what extant she did or didn’t address her heritage. But we can look at how the media itself has.
For instance, in 2019 the Washington Post did a profile on then Senator Kamala Harris as a potential Presidential candidate. In that profile they address here Indian heritage 32 times, they addressed her African American heritage 16 times. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/i-am-who-i-am-kamala-harris-daughter-of-indian-and-jamaican-immigrants-defines-herself-simply-as-american/2019/02/02/0b278536-24b7-11e9-ad53-824486280311_story.html).
In 2015 NBC ran a profile on then Attorney General Kamala Harris where they mentioned her African American heritage twice, and her Indian-American heritage 15 times. (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/kamala-harris-senate-bid-excites-californias-indian-americans-n286146).
The day she swore into the office as a Senator the Sacramento Bee highlighted her as the First Indian-American Senator https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/article124327739.html, no mention of her as the State’s first African American Senator.
Her Bio on the California Attorney General page which is screen shot below makes a single reference to her being the first African American Woman to hold the office, but it makes three references to her Asian background. First with her mother being a Tamil (an minority within India), next as her mother traveling from India to the United States, and third as then Attorney General Kamala Harris being the first Asian American woman to hold the position. Her bio makes no specific reference to her father and his ethnic background (https://oag.ca.gov/history/32harris).
Now ultimately the ethnic background of a candidate doesn’t matter. It may have a small impact within communities as far as getting votes, but as a whole what matters is policy. Policy is what drives the government and those policies good, or evil are the end product of the qualifications of an individual. Selecting somebody based on their ethnic background as a discriminating factor is not nearly as useful for policy as it is to address their intelligence, their leadership capabilities, their ability to communicate vision…
So, when President Trump was asked the question about Vice President Harris being on the ticket because she is black Trump’s answer was no. No, he didn’t believe she was on the ticket because she was black, because the press and even her own biography minimized her African American heritage for much of her early career. Neither Vice President Harris, nor the Press denied she was African American, but they put a very large emphasis (as indicated by her AG bio page and the press overage) on her Asian/Indian heritage.
The next important question to ask is why this question was even asked in the first place. The answer is because the administration opened itself up to criticism by making such a large push with Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) politics. Not only has the administration wedded itself to the DEI political umbrella, but President Biden (lest us forget that he is the sitting President) made multiple promises specifically on race and gender for positions. President Biden explicitly promised to put a Black woman on the Supreme Court for instance (Biden Promised to Put a Black Woman on the Supreme Court – The New York Times (nytimes.com).
In addition to this promise President Biden was hinting that he would select a black woman as his running mate from the very beginning of his 2020 campaign. Indeed with hints being dropped as early as 2019 (Biden says he would prefer a person of color or a woman as his vice president | CNN Politics). By March of 2020 he was still hinting at this (Biden says he is considering four Black women to be his running mate | CNN Politics). As the convention got closer, Joe Biden was apparently being pressured to select an African American woman as his Vice Presidential pick (Pressure Grows On Joe Biden To Pick A Black Woman As His Running Mate : NPR).
The emphasis was never on looking for the most qualified, it was pressuring Joe Bident to select an African American woman. That does not mean that an African American Woman was not the most qualified, but it does mean that if there were a more qualified individual the Press, and President Biden were not looking in those areas. The emphasis was on so-called progress not on excellence.
Back to David Muir now.
Here is where this line of questioning becomes so insidious. These debate questions are not designed in a vacuum. David Muir and Linsey Davis both have producers working round the clock digging up background information, they are checking and cross checking interviews, policy papers, internal reporting everything you can think of. So when David Muir asks the question “Do You Believe that Vice-President Kamala Harris is only on the ticket because she is a black woman?”, he already knows that Rachel Scott is the reason Donald Trump said what he said.
David Muir and ABC know full well that their own reporter Rachel Scott opened the door for Trump to comment on Vice President Harris’s racial ethnicity because Rachel Scott is an ABC reporter just like David Muir. There is absolutely no way the producers failed to identify this as they built their question deck.
So here is David Muir asking former President Trump why he thinks it is ok for him to comment on Vice President Harris’s ethnic background when his comment was a direct answer to the question “was she selected because of her background.”
And then David Muir has the temerity to ask the Former President about this as if he was discussing it out of the blue.
And when the Former President follows with this “I don’t. And I don’t care. I don’t care what she is. I don’t care. You make a big deal out of something. I couldn’t care less. Whatever she wants to be is okay with me.
And David Muir comes back with “but those were your words. So, I’m asking…”
The Former President closes with “I don’t know. I don’t know. All I can say is I read where she was not Black, that she put out. And, I’ll say that. And then I read that she was black. And that’s okay. Either one was okay with me. That’s up to her. That’s up to her.”
As we already know the Press and even the Vice President herself didn’t make her being an African American woman the biggest focus of her early career. One could easily see where the Former President would believe that she wasn’t saying she was black all the time because within the quick historical search its really easy to see how hard they were pushing her Indian background.
Yet David Muir doesn’t give Donald Trump any more time on this with his truly relatively short answer and then turns and asks the question to Vice President Harris “your thoughts on this?”
Completely overlooking the fact, they made Donald Trump answer a question about her race that he himself has not stated. Then they take his answer to the same question and use it to badger him saying how dare you pontificate thoughts on the racial background on the Vice President. And they close asking the Vice President if she felt about the fact that Former President Trump would talk about her ethnic background, again completely overlooking the fact the only reason he has ever said anything about her ethnic background is because ABC News reporter Rachel Scott asked the question to begin with.
This controversial line of questions is completely a contrived gotcha moment from the very beginning. Any Journalist with an ounce of credibility would have checked first the transcript from where Former President Trump’s quote originated from and immediately known that he was answering a question that required a discussion about Vice President Harris’s race because that was the entire substance of the question.
Any Journalist with an ounce of integrity too would have checked the early reporting and official documents to see if Former President Trump was even remotely correct regarding how Vice President Harris was portrayed by herself and the press.
The media is such an important piece of our public discourse. They are enshrined in the Constitution under the First Amendment. Yet it is dishonesty like this absolutely abhorrent excuse of journalism that reflects just why trust in the media is at such historic lows. Here the media which plays such a critical role in shaping public perception, is doubling down on the false narrative about a Former President because of personal politics. The handling of this question by David Muir and ABC News reflects just how deeply flawed modern political coverage has become. They have embraced sensationalism over substance. Instead of probing for meaningful discussion on policy, this type of question fuels division by distorting the context. The media must rise above partisan maneuvers and commit to fostering a more informed and balanced public discourse.
ABC News, David Muir, Linsey Davis, Rachel Scott, and the Disney executives who have allowed this to continue over at ABC news should be ashamed. Frankly they should all be fired for so blatantly lying to the American Public and attempting to push such an obvious lie upon the American people. This was entirely a contrived controversy its sickening to think that anybody in the once noble profession of journalism would really try and torpedo somebody by forcing them to answer a question about race and then ask how they could even dare answer the question. It was a Catch 22 moment, and it is sickening.